Amy Cofield offers classically based training with varied applications to multiple styles and genres, based on the individual artist’s goals. She helps singers develop and free their own unique voices in an organic and holistic way, treating each singer as a whole being. Amy believes that singing freely requires the learning of proper techniques, removing psychological obstacles, releasing tension, and approaching the voice with a deeper understanding of the mind/body/spirit connection. Language, diction, interpretation, and dramatization coaching is included because singing with intention is of the greatest importance in truly interpreting and releasing one’s authentic voice. Amy tailors exercises to each individual’s needs, encouraging artists to use these tools to take charge of their own progress. Amy shares personally tested ideas and techniques that she has developed during her 20+ years of professional singing and coaching while staying open to new ideas in the field that may be helpful in encouraging artists toward an unbounded and effective approach to singing.
Who takes lessons with Amy Cofield?
Professional artists looking to grow​
Emerging artists
Students preparing for college & conservatory auditions
Choral singers
Worship singers
Hobby singers
Beginners of all ages
C o a c h i n g O p t i o n s
In Studio
30 or 60 minute private lessons
30 or 60 minute private lessons via FaceTime, Facebook Video Messenger, Skype, or IMO
Group Options​
Master Classes
Vocal Workshops
Choral Training
Group Lessons in Studio or other venues
Not sure if Cofield Voice Studio is the right fit for you?
Do you love to sing?​
Free your voice...
Tap into your full potential.